“The COVID-19 Impact: A Discussion and & Outlook on the US Economy and Long-Term Investing”.

On March 30, 2020 Starboard Advisors was joined by Charlton “Chat” Reynders, Chairman & CEO at Reynders McVeigh Capital Management and Kevin Walkush, Portfolio Manager at Jensen Investment Management for a conference call and webinar,

“The COVID-19 Impact: A Discussion and & Outlook on the US Economy and Long-Term Investing”.

Our goal was to provide a thoughtful and well-grounded update on the markets and U.S. economy to our clients and friends.

If you were unable to join us, you can listen to the discussion here:

Starboard Advisors, LLC a division of Kelleher Financial Advisors, LLC (“KFA”), a U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission registered Investment Advisor and is an affiliate of Wall Street Access, Member NYSE, FINRA, and Member SIPC. Although the information upon which this material is based has been obtained from sources which we believe to be reliable, we do not warrant its completeness or accuracy. Any opinion or estimates constitute our best judgment as of this date and are subject to change without notice. This presentation is for informational purposes only and is not intended as an offer or solicitation for the purchase or sale of any security or investment. KFA or any person associated with KFA may have held or may currently hold a position and may buy or sell any such securities or investments mentioned in this presentation. Statements made by the speakers were reasonably believed – by the speakers – to be reasonably accurate at the time of the commentary’s recording (March 2020). Certain statements may be considered forward-looking but are not guarantees of future performance and actual results may differ materially from those discussed. There is no guarantee that investment objectives may be achieved or that any investments may be profitable. Past performance does not guarantee future results. All investments involve risk, including loss of principal.
Additional information is available upon request.

Reynders, McVeigh, a participant in this presentation, is an SEC-registered investment adviser founded in 2005. All statements made by the Reynders, McVeigh representative reflect the opinion of Reynders, McVeigh at the time of the call. Due to rapidly changing market conditions and the complexity of investments, all expressions of opinions are subject to change without notice.