Estate Planning
KFA gets involved with clients in formulating an estate plan that is properly executed and ensures assets are protected.

Recommendations and Management
Believe it or not, you have an estate. Your estate is comprised of everything you own—your car, your home, other real estate, checking account, investments life insurance and personal possessions.
These items and others comprise your estate and you can’t take it with you when you go. KFA helps our clients plan for the next generation by helping you determine who should receive your assets and the best way to convey them. We can help to set up trusts and create an estate plan. We can introduce you to professionals that can help you in complex situations.
KFA helps insure that an estate plan is properly executed and assets are protected.
Vital to a successful outcome is our ability to make definitive recommendations and provide ongoing management of the estate. KFA’s estate planning includes:
- Gifting strategies
- Trust utilization for tax benefits and asset protection goals
- Ensuring assets are properly titled and trust accounts are opened and properly funded
- Comparative analysis and recommendations in 529 Plans versus trust accounts
- Devising wealth transfer strategies
- Designing trust distribution systems